Good day!
Glad to meet you! Everyone calls me Connie. I have finished my education degree in 2007 with English as my major. I’m a board passer so I'm a licensed teacher. I’ve successfully passed the license exam for teachers with just one take. I’ve been teaching ESL to Koreans and Japanese since I was 21. I also have taught in English academies here in Cebu City. I was able to handle 1 on 4 classes, which means I taught four students in one class. My specialty is teaching kids and beginners, but nevertheless I can also teach all levels regardless of ages and lessons.
So... Having hard time in English? Worrying about your English skills? Forget all your stresses and worries! Let's make it easy and fun! You can always count on me! I'll help you to learn English with the fullest of my ability. I’ll give you a wonderful experience in having class online.
I choose this kind of job because I want to share my knowledge to people who are also interested in English. I'm really enjoying doing this for many years now and actually will be counting more. I'm looking forward to meet new faces and new experiences.
And I believe that I have created better English speakers and professionals over the years through my dedicated and effective teachings. When students study with me, I know that they will be prepared for the world using English as a tool in whatever field or purpose they may apply it.
Teaching is not only my passion - it is my life.
お会いできてうれしいです! みんなは私のことをコニーと呼んでいます。私は2007年に英語を専攻し、教育学の学位を取得しました。私はボード合格者なので、教師の免許を持っています。教員免許の試験も一回で合格しました。21歳のときから韓国人と日本人にESLを教えています。また、ここセブシティのイングリッシュアカデミーで教えた経験もあります。1対4のクラス、つまり1つのクラスで4人の生徒を教えることができました。私の専門は子供と初心者に教えることですが、それでも年齢やレッスンに関係なく、すべてのレベルを教えることができます。
英語でお困りですか?自分の英語力に不安がありますか?ストレスや心配事は忘れてください。簡単で楽しいレッスンをしましょう いつでも私に頼ってください 私が全力であなたの英語学習をサポートします。オンラインで授業を受けるという素晴らしい経験をさせてあげます。
Student Name: Yagi Kazunori
During each lesson, they ask questions that are in line with the content of the lecture. Since I never know where the questions will come from, I am always able to concentrate on the lesson. He speaks at a speed that is easy to listen to, so it is easy to understand the content of the lesson.
Student Name: Kamiya Tsuneko
Teacher Connie encouraged me to speak out gently. Every time I have mistakes, teacher Connie says to me "Good try!" and showed me the rephrased or correct sentences. It was great time for me. Thank you very much.
Student Name: Nakamura Chizuru
His pronunciation was beautiful and easy to listen to, and he asked me many questions about the content, so I felt I was able to talk more than usual. It was the first time for me to take a transfer lesson with a new teacher, but I would like to take it again. Thank you, Teacher Connie!