Hi, good day, and welcome to Willie's English. My full name is Lourdes Embalzado, but most of my students call me Teacher Des. I also prefer to be called Des or Teacher Dez because it is short and easy to remember. I am from the Philippines, originally from Cebu but currently residing in Iloilo City.
I am a teacher by profession, a graduate of a bachelor's in elementary education.
To tell you more about my teaching background. I’ve been happily teaching English learners for more than 10 years now.
I do teach students of various ages using English as a secondary language. I have taught from level 0, beginners, to advanced students that are almost
fluent or just needs extra help with both writing or speaking. It's always been a pleasure for me to help my students improve their English skills.
In my class, I make sure that students feel heard and understood. I teach in a manner that encourages them to speak without the fear of making mistakes.
My top priority is to ensure that my students are comfortable and have a
positive learning experience as they do the class with me. I can’t wait to meet you in my class. Have a wonderful day and see you soon!
こんにちは、ウィリーズ・イングリッシュへようこそ。私のフルネームはLourdes Embalzadoですが、ほとんどの生徒さんはTeacher Desと呼んでいます。短くて覚えやすいので、デスまたはデズ先生と呼ばれる方が好きです。私はフィリピンのセブ出身で、現在はイロイロ市に住んでいます。
Hello, Teacher, Des! I am pleased to be your student. I've learned a lot about how to engage in the class without feeling nervous. Thank you for teaching me today. See you!
" It was fun Teacher Des. I felt comfortable because you were kind and natural. I was able to express my thoughts confidently. Thank you so much! I hope I can book your class again!"