Hi! Welcome to Willies English! My name is Leah from the Philippines. I am a graduate of bachelor of Elementary Education. I've been a teacher online and offline for years. My interests include teaching, learning new languages , travel , and adventure. I'm really passionate about teaching especially young learners. I find it fulfilling to impart what I kow to students , to make learning fun and interesting for them . This is also the reason why I focused on English as a main subject to teach , because it prepares them to explore the world without any barriers and limits, equipping them with prficiency in the English language , to help them to be the person that they are destined to be. We will apply what you already know and add something new each day. I will do my best to make our sessions lively , fun , engaging , and informative. Join me and let me help you learn English in a very simple way. See you real soon!
こんにちは!ウィリーズイングリッシュへようこそ 私はフィリピン出身のリアです。初等教育の学士号を取得しています。オンラインとオフラインで何年も教師をしています。私の興味は教えること、新しい言語を学ぶこと、旅行、そして冒険です。私は特に若い学習者に教えることに情熱を持っています。自分が知っていることを生徒たちに伝えること、生徒たちが楽しく、興味深く学べるようにすることに充実感を感じています。このことは、私が英語を主教科とした理由でもあります。なぜなら、英語は生徒が何の障壁も制限もなく世界を探検するための準備であり、英語の熟練度を高め、生徒が運命づけられた人になるための手助けをするからです。私たちは、あなたがすでに知っていることを応用し、毎日何か新しいことを加えていきます。私は、セッションが活気に満ち、楽しく、魅力的で、有益なものになるよう、最善を尽くします。私と一緒に、とてもシンプルな方法で英語を学ぶお手伝いをさせてください。それでは、またお会いしましょう
Student Name: Miyui Takahara
He was bright, energetic, and pleasant. My child loved it. The 25 minutes went by very quickly, but he was very careful with pronunciation checks, etc. He spoke slowly and was easy to understand. It was the first time for me to try online English conversation, but I had a good impression. Thank you very much.
Student Name: Sachiko Okabe
The sixth lesson for Eiken Level 1 interview preparation has been completed. The lesson was full of short practice sentences, narration, Q&A, and long practice sentences. I have been taking Leah-sensei lessons for 5 months now, and thanks to the Q&A practice, I am able to answer most of the Q&A questions smoothly, although my vocabulary and content are still not good enough. I look forward to working with you again next week.
Student Name: Hiroshi Arao
Thank you for your great lesson as usual, Leah!
It seems that this was the last lesson. I don't want to quit taking a lesson. I will try to keep on take a lesson, asking my boss for. See you next time.