Hello! Welcome to Willies English! I am Teacher Jesame or you can call me Teacher Jesa. I am from Cebu, Philippines. I am a licensed professional teacher and a TEFL Certificate holder. I am a passionate teacher with 2 years experience as an ESL teacher and 3 years experience as a private school teacher. I am excited to have an interesting, informative, and interactive class with you. Come and book a class with me! See you!
こんにちは!ウィリーズイングリッシュへようこそ!私はTeacher Jesame、またはTeacher Jesaと呼んでください。フィリピンのセブから来ました。TEFLの資格を持っています。ESL教師として2年、私立学校教師として3年の経験を持つ情熱的な教師です。興味深く、有益で、インタラクティブな授業を皆さんと一緒にできることを楽しみにしています。私と一緒にクラスを予約しましょう!それではまた!
This was my first time as a teacher. I am not yet at the level where I can say what I want to say in English, but the lesson was very fulfilling and suited my level. I will review a lot of what you have taught me. Thank you very much.
Teacher Jesa is wonderful. She provides positive feedback that encourages my son to speak English. Thanks to her clear instructions and kind help, my son feels more relaxed when speaking English. We look forward to continuing her lessons. Thank you so much!